what I'm about:

My life's goal is to bake the living shit outta shit. I'll post recipes here, funny dreams, nonsense, food porn, real porn probably, who knows what else. Whatever I feel like mostly.

31 January 2008


I'm back from my 'retreat', it was definitely fun and it was great to spend some time with Chris before he left again.

I guess I don't really have anything else to say except that I lost my heart to a starship trooper.

Yes, that is Sarah Brightman. She's been insane since the beginning.

28 January 2008


I'm going up in the Tennessee mountains for a day or two on retreat with a friend. Should be nice since the job hunt has me a little stressed. I'll enjoy sitting around and reading and kinda being away from everything.

I'm gonna miss my Biscuit a lot. We're total saps.

Had a great interview on friday with a great company! Should know something by the end of february!

24 January 2008


I added a little link to Neopets over on the sidebar. It sounds totally dorky, but they actually have some really fun games there, and its free. I've been playing there for years (because we all know what a dork I am) but I don't really have any friends to play with other than Kevin and Heather, so I thought I'd slap a link up here and if anyone ever comes to look here, maybe they'll sign up. ;) Plus if you sign up through my link, I get credit for it. *cackle*

I have an interview tomorrow which I think is going to go pretty well. I doubt anyone else is going to be as qualified or have the work samples I have, so now I just hafta hope that they'll just give me a chance to show them. Otherwise, I'm going to start looking for a job in a bakery. :)

23 January 2008


Leslie Hall is coming to Atlanta.

I knew it was cooler than new york!

And I woulda missed it too if it weren't for Flapjack! More later!


My friend Chris is coming over to save me from my homemade ravioli making, housewife-ish day. So instead of making ravioli today, I just threw a potroast together so I can leave it cooking all day while we go to the mall and be mallrats.

Thank God for Chris.

And now, for some hot shit!

22 January 2008

Making my day, the right way!

This was exactly what I needed to see first thing in the morning. Two of my dear friends getting together for a bit of tea and sunshine dust. Please to watch. Please to enjoy.

21 January 2008


I have finally succumbed to the evil forces and decided to try this whole blogging mess for myself. Could be fun. Could be something else that I do for 10 minutes, then never sign in again. Hopefully it'll be fun and hopefully I'll be able to get my friends to look at it from time to time and impart me with the wisdom and humor that make them my friends. ;)

While I'm figuring all this out, check it.